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Practical Part: Analyzing the Market and Peers
Practical Part: Analyzing the Market and Peers
Using customs data to develop customers can quickly select the most matched customers by accurately characterizing all buyers and their procurement systems in the target market, identifying their credit system and procurement volume and price information, targeting high-quality customers and profit margins, improving development efficiency, and enhancing development effectiveness. There are three ideas for developing new customers using customs data for reference. (>>>Click on Free Trial 239+National Customs Data)

1、 Establish a customer resource library according to the country

The establishment of a customer resource library is equivalent to one's own work record table, which first uses the trade tracking function to count all customers in a country; Secondly, a specific analysis will be conducted based on the procurement volume, procurement cycle, product specifications, and supplier system of each purchaser (focusing on the simplification or diversification of the purchaser's supply channels, preferably retaining a purchaser with diversified suppliers, as the difficulty of developing customers for a purchaser with a single supply channel will increase); Finally, select 30% of the potential high-quality customers in this country and record them in their own customer resource database. They can be flexibly set according to country, time, customer name, follow-up steps, contact phone number, email, contact person, etc. (>>>Click to develop customers for free)

2、 Establish a customer resource library according to peer companies

Be familiar with the English names (including full names, abbreviations, etc.) of peer companies, and use the supplier's global networking function to count all customers of the same company in the system. The most important thing is to analyze peer customers, and also conduct specific analysis work based on procurement volume, procurement cycle, procurement product model, etc; Finally, select the key customers in your industry and record them in your own customer resource library. (>>>Click on Free Trial)

3、 According to newly emerging customers in each country

By using the trade search function for newly emerging customers in a country, select a country, set a date range, restrict product names or customs codes, check "Latest", and the search results will be the latest high-quality customers in the country during the set time period. As they are the latest customers, there may be procurement transactions at the beginning, and suppliers may be unstable. Such customers must be treated and followed up with great emphasis; Finally, these new potential buyers are recorded in their customer resource library. (>>>Click to apply for a free trial)

The above three methods of using customs data to develop customers can be implemented based on the actual needs of the company and oneself, combined with market environment, industry characteristics, strategic needs, etc., to find suitable methods and methods for oneself. The only purpose is to establish and organize the classification and archiving of high-quality customers. The next step in finding suitable customers is to accurately contact them, such as by phone, email communication, online chat, and other channels.
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