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What are the characteristics of Dutch customers? How many do you know?
The Netherlands is one of the developed countries in the European market and also one of the main markets for China's foreign trade exports. In 2021, China's total import and export value with the Netherlands exceeded 100 billion US dollars, becoming the second country within the European Union to trade with China with a scale exceeding 100 billion US dollars.

Although the Netherlands is a small country, its economic strength cannot be underestimated. In 2022, its GDP was 1.01 trillion US dollars, with a per capita GDP of up to 57000 US dollars. The consumption potential of the Dutch market is highly anticipated, so what should foreign traders pay attention to when developing Dutch customers?

negotiation style
Dutch clients have a strong sense of business acumen and trading ability, so they tend to be very direct in the negotiation process. At the same time, it also requires the other party to maintain directness and authenticity, as this can improve negotiation efficiency.

Therefore, when communicating with Dutch customers, foreign traders should be as sincere and frank as possible, and fully explain their strengths and characteristics. Only in this way will Dutch customers be willing to communicate with you. If there are various twists and turns coming up, the other party is likely to not reply to you directly.

Negotiation etiquette
Firstly, Dutch people place great emphasis on privacy, so in the process of negotiating with Dutch clients, it is important to avoid discussing the other party's personal matters and focus more on the transaction itself. Even if they have become loyal customers in the future, foreign traders still need to pay attention to boundaries and sense of propriety.

Secondly, foreign traders should note that Dutch people have a strong sense of time. If formal talks are needed, foreign traders need to make an appointment in advance and ensure timely participation.

Finally, although Dutch customers have higher incomes and better benefits, they do not like to be extravagant and wasteful, but rather maintain frugality and thrift. If foreign traders have offline meetings with them, there is no need to exaggerate the hospitality standards.

Due to the developed economy and high per capita disposable income in the Netherlands, they also have high requirements for product quality. Therefore, Dutch customers also prioritize product quality when selecting suppliers.

In terms of product preferences, due to the Netherlands' emphasis on environmental protection, they tend to prefer environmentally friendly and sustainable products and are willing to pay more money for them.

credit standing
The overall reputation of Dutch customers is relatively good because of their developed economy and strong payment ability. But obviously, this does not guarantee that every customer has a good reputation. Therefore, before cooperating with Dutch clients, foreign traders need to conduct background checks and risk management in terms of payment.
You can directly search for customer names through tracking data. For example, if we search for a purchaser named VERMEER EEMHAVEN INTERNATIONAL B.V., we will find that their transaction frequency is relatively low. At the same time, they have also cooperated with many different suppliers and have been changing suppliers frequently since the beginning of this year. Therefore, it is preliminarily judged that this purchaser is not as stable and reliable.

Therefore, what foreign traders need to do is to be more cautious and conduct in-depth investigations of the purchaser, including the company's operating status, payment status, etc., to confirm that there are no major issues before conducting transactions with them.

If you want to learn more about the characteristics of Dutch customers, you can send us a private message~

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